Tuesday 28 June 2011

What a difference a day makes

Yesterday was awful. Cloudy and heavy for the whole day, with a bit of mizzle thrown in for good measure. Apparently in London the temperature soared into the 80's, whereas in Edinburgh it rained, so I suppose I should be grateful that the Borders were slightly more temperate. I went out with Magic Bob to throw a few bowls in the evening but it was really cold and not nice at all, so we gave it an hour and then left for the warmer climes of our houses.

Then this morning I woke up to the bluest of skies with white fluffy clouds. I'd almost forgotten what June weather is supposed to be like, but today is a picture perfect summer day, so I'm supposing that London will have rain. What a strange summer.

Now all the garden jobs that have been left for a month need doing and I'm not sure the summer will last beyond today, so there's fences to paint, weeds to weed, veggies to plant and a whole lot more... and of course Wimbledon has to be fitted in too. I fear today not as much as I'd like will be achieved, especially because the fence paint seems to have solidified after the frost of the winter, so that means a journey to go get some more which adds to the hours left in the day to actually do things.

I'm off to Edinburgh tomorrow and will be there for the rest of the week as I have work to do and singing to accomplish, and my mountain man is off up a mountain somewhere until next Monday so tonight, after he's been climbing with Pat the Police, we'll have to wish each other a fond fairwell. Practice though for his major jaunt to Everest at the end of July, when he leaves me and the dog for a whole three weeks of fun and frolics in the Himalayas, lucky sod.

Meanwhile my singathon is coming along well. I've learned all my songs now, the only thing that needs a bit of perfecting is staying in tune. Also I wish I didn't have the bloody things going round and round in my head all day. I even found myself chopping down nettles to 'Water is Life', which I was singing out loud until I realised I was. The neighbourhood had gone quiet. I retreated indoors to give them a chance to recover and so that I didn't totally ruin what could be our only summer's day for a while.

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