Thursday 5 May 2011

Getting ready

Do you ever get the feeling that you've just not done what you're supposed to? Well I certainly had that feeling yesterday, and realised that this weekend I'm off co-facilitating a retreat on Holy Isle.

Once again this year seems to be hell bent on catching me out and zipping along at such a rate that I often don't know what month it is, let alone what day of the week we're on. And so I spent yesterday trying to get all the paperwork done, all the print outs printed and get my basic 'kit' ready. Not quite finished, but feeling a whole lot better about it now.

I'm looking forward to a week away from computers and all the other things that I seem to spend my time on. The luxury of being away on an island with no distractions (apart from the ever present midges) is a luxury indeed. Well I might just take my iPad. Not to email you understand, or surf the world wide interweb, but no, I've learnt the art of downloading films I've rented onto it. And the one I'm taking with me on retreat? 'Eat, Pray, Love' of course. A treat to look forward to on the last night I think.

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