Thursday, 16 February 2012

Women are different

Last night I played in my first ever women's league game. OMG, was it competitive! I thought the Tuesday mixed league I play in every fortnight was bad enough, but nothing like this. I know I'm pretty competitive, but nothing like the other three in my team, who themselves were mild compared to the opposing team skip. She was scary as hell. And it didn't help that we won (17-9) - which I have to admit was not down to me at all as I didn't play very well - as she got more and more bad tempered as the night wore on.

I'm pleased to report that, in spite of my being the worst player by a long chalk in my team, I did get the very last shot bowl so at least I finished on a good note.

One of the women on the opposing team is in my Tuesday mixed team. We actually get on very well and she was having a laugh with me as we were starting and telling me how competitive the women are. I thought she was just trying to put me off, but it turns out she was warning me. Next time I think I'll pay attention!

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