Wednesday 8 September 2010

Another win

Today I was at work in my office in Edinburgh when I happened to notice a box that had my name on it on my secretary's desk. When I asked her about it she apologised profusely and said it was my prize as part of the winning team in our annual away day event. We had had to produce a newspaper front page for which there were events that were going on all day and each team had to take photos and write up the bizarre happenings. Contrary to my thoughts about my team's efforts, we won. However, as I had to go to France very early the next day, I left before the dinner and no-one told me how well my team had done, and I was blissfully unaware of the whole thing.

Anyway, I was thrilled to receive a mug (no comments thank you!) as my competitiveness will out no matter what the task or the prize.

Now I just have the final of the Gordon bowls handicap to play. I wonder if I can make it another win, but maybe that's a wonder too far!


  1. Congrats on the win! Ms Competitive! how long will that cup have to wait for its first cup of coffee from beans of your own tree?

  2. About another 9 years at the rate my plants are going!
