Sunday 19 September 2010

Wasting resources

A great weekend of doing not much at all. My beloved is away and not due back until later tonight, so I've been walking the dog, exercising and getting on with the ubiquitous cleaning. I've also had the guilty pleasure of having the heating on, which I know is a bit of a waste of resources but autumn is almost upon us and it has definitely gotten colder. So I'm currently luxuriating in a lovely warm house.

I've also been wasting my brain resources too as I've been playing a stupid game on my iPhone which is totally addictive. It's called Lineup and it was only when I realised I'd been playing for well over half and hour that I realised it was time to stop. It's an absolutely ridiculous waste of time, but it's my current favourite.

Luckily my boredom threshold is pretty low, so this one won't last too long.

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