Saturday 11 September 2010

Grandson alert!

Last night I received a phone call from my beloved's daughter to say that she, her man, Gerry, and Nathan, the grandson, might call round tomorrow. They're out seeking the warmer spots of Scotland (they live in Glasgow) and have spent the last few weekends heading west to the beach as the weather has been lovely out that way. Apparently tomorrow the sun is heading for Kelso and its surrounds, hence them coming in this direction.

This left me in a bit of a panic. Most of the phone call was spent telling me how much Nathan has grown and how he has his hands into everything. I took one look around the house and realised how completely child unfriendly we've become. When they were last here we had a picnic in the garden and Nathan was just walking, so much of his energy was spent doing that. But now he's 'into things' in a big way.

I've tried to tidy up and put things out of the way, but frankly I've given up. I've decided that we'll just have to distract him and hope for the best!

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