Thursday, 9 March 2017

It's puppy time!

Today I headed for the Odeon Cinema at Fort Kinnaird, Edinburgh for 10.15 am. I was there as part of a Guide Dog practice for 7 Guide Dog puppies (all over 6 months old), who were there to have a cinema experience.

We sat and watched a whole raft of previews of films that are coming up over the next couple of months. All I can say is, don't bother to go to the flicks... they were all crap... unless you love killing and noise!

However, the Guide Dog pups behaved perfectly and weren't bothered at all with all the sounds and flashes coming from the screen.

And then I got to take the very handsome Neymar home with me. Neymar is 10 months old and is going to be with me for 10 days. He's an absolute delight and lovely to have around. We spent the rest of our day doing a bit of shopping and then going to have a playdate with Folly and Millie (formerly Mollie). Neymar had a ball! As did the other 2. They got on a treat. Then Neymar and I went out for a walk, had a play and now we're settling down for our first evening together.

I'd almost forgotten how lovely it is to have a puppy here, which is great considering my own puppy is coming in just 12 days time. Thank goodness I'm getting a bit of practice!

The very handsome Neymar

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