Thursday 29 August 2013

Caffeine overdrive

Yesterday saw the start of Old Lady Badminton - this is the one in Galashiels on a Wednesday morning where there's a coffee break half way through. However, as it was the start of the season, we didn't actually get to play badminton and just had the coffee break, and the good ladies plumped for going to the rather upmarket Marmions in Melrose instead of the sports centre in Galashiels.

For those of you who know me well also know that I'm quite reactive to caffeine and consequently only usually have one cup with my breakfast otherwise I get quite 'wired'. But hey... the beginning of Old Lady Badminton and upmarket Marmions saw me order a strong, black coffee. Major mistake!

I was so wired that when I went to order my baht for my trip to Thailand in a few weeks time, I somehow got my figures crossed and only ordered half the amount I needed, so had to go back to the Post Office in Earlston to order the other half. Derek the Postmaster's face was a picture.

As I was staying overnight in Edinburgh I had to go home and pack, which wasn't helped in the least by the caffeine overdrive. I actually left the house and started up the road twice before I finally made the journey as I kept thinking of the things I'd forgotten.

The problem with feeling wired is that by the end of the day I also feel tired, but tired and wired don't go together terribly well and thought processes don't seem to function at their best. And so it was that I ended my day playing Love Letter with my sons, a new game No. 2 Son had bought recently, which was very good, but with my mind all over the place I couldn't quite get the best way to play my cards and ultimately that lead to me losing rather spectacularly.

Lesson learned... until the next time!


  1. So glad I was thrashing around Glentress and nowhere near the caffeine overdrive.

  2. Ugh wired and tired- a horrible combination! Reminds me of a time when I had too many Vodka Redbulls - never again! Hope you're back to your normal tranquil self now. Or have I got the wrong blogger?;)

    1. I'm not commenting on your last comment in case I further incriminate myself! I can't imagine what I'd be like on a vodka redbull... actually I can't imagine what you'd be like :))
