Monday, 30 December 2013

Dickens said it all

'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times' and ain't that the truth.

I can't tell you how pleased I'll be to see the back of 2013.

It's funny when you think about it as it's just another day that passes as we go from one year into the next and yet it has such significance... at least for me. And then of course the year doesn't truly seem to start for me until my birthday, so I shall have a good few days to ponder on what 2014 could bring. I do so hope it'll be a better year than this last one.
Don't get me wrong, I know I'm a very lucky person and I've had some truly wonderful moments and memories this past year, but the reality is they've been underpinned by difficulties that started almost right at the beginning of 2013. And the fallout has affected pretty much everything this year.

Anyway, I don't like this blog to be downbeat and it's a bit indulgent of me to mention it now, I know, but what's New Year without a bit of indulgence?

There... I'm indulged out now. Done and dusted.

Normal blogging of the up-kind will resume sometime in January.

Meanwhile I'm looking forward to my New Year's Eve with our dear friends Shirley and Andy, which this year is at our house. I've already been and raided M&S's party section to help us on our way, though I think MM and I might well have to try some of them out before tomorrow night... just in case, you understand!

So here's me signing off for 2013 and wishing everyone everywhere a very happy New Year and a wonderful 2014.

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