Friday 6 December 2013


No, not just 'out there' but me... I've got one... and I'm not a happy bunny.

We were lucky to survive the storm yesterday with little else to show for it than the flower pots, so artfully placed outside our house, going for a small wander. I felt really sorry for all those who had real problems. Not far from here people were without electricity, trees smattered across the roads, closing them in all directions and yet, the roads around here were fine and I made the decision to go to Guide Dog puppy training in Penicuik (about an hour away) where there was a micro-climate all of its own and was sunny and hardly a snicker of wind.

I could feel my cold coming on while at training, but it was definitely worth going to as Odi and I learnt all kinds of new stuff. Odi behaved like an ADHD child and wouldn't settle to what she was supposed to be doing and decided biting me was far more worthwhile, but at least it exhausted her and she settled down for the afternoon no problem.

Meantime, in the afternoon, I was called to do bowls duty and be an extra for someone who couldn't make it to their league match. I played ok, which is more than can be said for the rest of my team and we lost by rather a large margin.

By the time I got home I had a sore throat and was beginning to feel awful, but the cold waited until the middle of the night to really get going. So with 3 hours sleep and now a nose that feels like someone has stuffed a whole roll of cotton wool up there, I'm having a gentle day of doing not much at all.

Hopefully I'll be back on track soon.


  1. Oh poor you. A good reason to tuck in and spoil yourself for a couple of days.
    Glad you didn't suffer storm damage.

    1. I hope you were ok down your end. It was really wild here for a while.

  2. Hope you're recovering and Odi joined you on some down time (but I suspect not!)

    1. I'm now feeling better from the cold, but sore from my latest which I've posted on the next blog input.

      Luckily Odi's been on a 'growing phase' this week and has been relatively sleepy. I'm making the best of it as it definitely won't last... the sleepy that is, not the growing!
