Friday, 22 August 2014

To be or not to be... a hooligan that is

After her hooligan behaviour the other day, Odi redeemed herself yesterday by behaving totally brilliantly at The Edinburgh Book Festival and at Henderson's where my friend and I went for lunch.

I was especially pleased with her behaviour in Henderson's as it was super-crowded and she just stood there looking all Guide Doggy and like she was the real deal. So real in fact that the manager actually thought I was blind and insisted on getting me a table and guiding me up the steps! I did tell her I could see, but she said it was fine and she was pleased to help.

Rather extraordinarily, at the table next door to us, was a work colleague of Guide Dog puppy Folly's puppywalker, who lives in Tweedbank - Folly has been to stay with us when she was smaller and Odi often goes to stay with them for day's when I need to work. And then, after they left, the woman who took her place happened to be an acquaintance of the person I was having lunch with. Weird eh?

Today I had a meeting with a work colleague to sort some workshop details and we met at the garden centre in Kelso as it's not just a nice place to go, but also good training for Odi. Odi, once again, behaved impeccably.

When we got home I let Odi out in the garden and she was sitting there looking all innocent so I went inside for a few minutes to get some things sorted. By the time I went out again, she'd dug several holes in the garden and was sitting eating a piece of coal she'd pilfered from the coal bunker. I was not amused.

The hooligan has definitely not left the building!

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