After a lovely lunch on Sunday with my pal Laura it was time to get back to work. I've been running a Mindfulness Teacher Development Course for Health Professionals in Lothian, which has gone reasonably well, but I have to say it takes its toll when I'm mentoring someone through the process as well as teaching. I have another 2 days to do in a couple of weeks and I'll be pleased when this one is over. Partly I think it's because the person I'm working with isn't the greatest timekeeper and, as those of you who know me will know, I'm an absolute stickler for time and consequently all that seemed to happen on this course was that I took the role of timekeeping police. Very wearing.
I also had the first online chat of my poetry course run through The Poetry School on Tuesday night. There are 12 of us and it was a bit of a free-for-all and 2 hours of complete bonkersness. We all resorted to wine by the end and I think that probably tells you all you need to know.
Once again the week is slipping by at a helluva rate and, apart from facilitating a group on Saturday, I've got a relatively easy weekend where all I have to do is write a poem and get myself ready to go to London on Monday for more work.
The only other thing I have to report is that Odi has managed to kill a plant - not a coffee one I'm pleased to say. She did it rather surreptitiously by taking off the odd branch and leaving it lying so it looked like it was still growing, but we then realised her passion for soil got the better of her and said plant was found strewn on the floor and Odi's nose was covered in earth, so there was no getting away from who the culprit was. Not that I thought for a second that Mountain Man would've done such a thing!
So here we are... frighteningly it's almost the end of May. I'd love to know when warmer weather is going to arrive because I'm a sick of slab grey skies and feeling cold and I'm sincerely hoping this isn't a year like we had 2 years ago when it was wall to wall grey month in month out. A very depressing thought.
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