Tuesday, 25 July 2017

A true champion

In 2010 a 14 year old girl from my village in the Scottish Borders had a freak accident, when she was accidentally crushed under the beam of a forklift truck. She broke her back and was paralysed from the waist down.

Today, she wheeled her way into the village for, what she thought, was a quick drink at the pub and she was met with a wall of villagers who had put out the flags, hired a piper all to welcome her back home.


Sammi Kinghorn is a double world paralympic champion. She won 2 golds and a bronze at the paralympic world championships in London.

All the kids were out waving their flags, having spent the last 24 hours putting up bunting and signs for her.  Everyone I spoke to thinks Sammi is wonderful and they all want to be like her, no matter that she's in a wheelchair. For kids today (and I'm talking all age groups here) to look up to someone who can't walk, is really something.

She really is a true inspiration. 

The village making it's prep

Sammi Kinghorn coming down the road completely unaware of everything round the corner

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