Our Guide Dog puppy is due to be with us next week! In preparation for this momentous event we've been given a puppy cage, a manual and instructions as to what we need to get. So, we've been puppy shopping.
So far we've bought a dog bowl, a truly hideous, but lovely soft, blanket and a cuddly teddy from the Charity Shop, some toys, a dog bed for it to lie on in the living room, and a baby alarm as the utility room is completely the other side of the house and a set of stairs away from our bedroom. Though we're aware this last might not prove such a good idea!
Now we wait for the 'main event' which is supposed to take place next Thursday. As far as we know it'll be a female, golden, Labrador/Retriever cross. But that's all the info we have. It still might not happen though as the puppy has to go through it's final checks to make sure it's suitable Guide Dog material and this we won't find out til the last moment.
The other thing we're waiting to find out what the puppy is called. We've been given the update that the name will begin with either an O or a Q. We've been racking our brains to think of suitable female names that might begin with a Q and we're keeping everything crossed that it's not Queenie... that could be an embarrassing name to call out in the depths of the Scottish Borders!
Pics will be posted as soon as poss, so watch this space.
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